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Circus Escape Page 5

  Joy kept standing, her shoulders back, but the more Jim spoke the more her stomach knotted. Done for. Her debt was beyond ridiculous now, at least at a level based on what she earned couldn't be paid back in two lifetimes. She glanced over at Sally. But worth it.

  Jim slammed his hand down into the side of the wall. Then he shook his hand furiously. "I sure as hell own Sally. You're never going to Operate another Mecha."

  "No." The realisation hit Joy hard in the stomach, and she doubled over slightly. "I have to be able to drive."

  "Yeah well, you had simple instructions, and that was to lose."

  "It's only a one fight. You know that Sally's career is better off if she wins the main fight." Heat burned behind her eyes. She'd been riding the cloud of elation after winning the fight, but now she'd crashed. I did the right thing.

  "One fight?!" He turned and glared at her. "You just had to lose one fight."

  "Did you owe someone a favor? Got into debt?" Joy spat back. Jim's face reddened. It was as if he'd become a lava flow, and she could see the steam coming out of his ears, nose and mouth. "Sally's just as much my mecha as yours. She's my design."

  The veins on Jim's neck stood out. His cheeks puffed out as if full of hot air and were about to burst. He stepped towards Joy, lifting his hand. "How dare you …"

  "What is going on in here?" Nessie asked, her voice firm and sharp. She walked up and stood between Jim and Joy.

  "Get out of my way," said Jim.

  Nessie raised her eyebrow and refused to move. She held up the wrecking bar she'd picked up when walking into the garage. Jim didn't come any closer.

  "Now what seems to be the issue here? I thought Sally fought beautifully."

  "Nothing that concerns you, lady. Now beat it." Jim puffed. His stale breath caused Nessie to wrinkle her nose.

  Nessie held up the wrecking bar. "Oh, I'm not going anywhere until this is sorted out."

  "Jim wanted me to lose the fight, but I didn't. Now he's claiming two life debts," said Joy, grateful that Nessie was here, but unsure how she could really help. Dressed in a long dress, tight waist, she didn't look like someone who could win a fight—even holding a wrecking bar.

  "You tried to fix the fight?" asked Nessie.

  "I ordered it. I can do that. I'm the boss." Jim took a step closer to her.

  "Oh no." Nessie moved the bar backwards as if getting ready to take a swipe at him. It was enough to make him hesitate. "Don't come any closer. Trust me. I want to hit you, so stand there and let's sort this out like civilized people."

  Jim spat on the ground.

  Nessie gave him a stern look. "You will do well to remember I want to hit you." She kept the wrecking bar raised.

  Workers had come to look, but they kept their distance, watching and waiting. Joy hated that they were witnessing this. But now I guess I'm one of them. Her eyes welled with hot tears at the thought. Don't cry. She took a deep breath. Jim had stopped threatening her and she could handle herself in a fight, but she wasn't sure how things would go if she had to keep an eye out for Nessie. She broadened her stance and flexed her hands by the side of her body.

  "Right, tell me Mr. Jim," said Nessie. "How much does Joy owe you."

  "A lot. Too much to pay in a lifetime." He spat and glared at both women.

  "How much?" Nessie repeated, keeping her face nonplussed at his disgusting habits. "Keep in mind that if it's two life debts that you've been ripping her off and others around here, and well I'm sure I can get someone into look at your accounts." She let the bar fall into her hand.

  Jim swallowed hard. "It's none of your business."

  Joy's skin prickled and she flexed her hands once more. Just one punch.

  "No, it is," said Nessie.

  "If you can't do business with the men, then you should get out."

  "Well now, I met an interesting person outside. Now what was his name? Oh, that's right. Mr. Jenkins."

  Jim's eyes widened.

  "He is waiting outside for you, but if you are much longer he will be coming in, and you know how little he likes to talk."

  "Yeah, right."

  "He told me a thing or two which I find rather interesting. First was the debt you have with him. Second, that you've not paid your workers for some time."

  "So what? They owe me," he growled. Sweat beaded on his forehead.

  "These are your options. Take the money I give you, then go out and clear your debt with Mr. Jenkins. I've spoken to him, and I know the amount. But this will clear the debt you have with Joy, and I will now own half of your business."

  Joy couldn't believe it. Nessie could be my boss?

  "Ya dreaming, sweetheart."

  "Or you wait in here for Mr. Jenkins."

  Jim laughed. "I'm not scared of you."

  "Mr. Jenkins is ready for you," called out Nessie. She stepped back, pulling Joy with her.

  "Where is the mole?" Footsteps thudded on the concrete floor.

  "I didn't mean it. I'll take the money," said Jim to Nessie.

  "Too late." Nessie looked at him. "You had appropriate time to accept the offer. You made your choice clear."

  "A man can change his mind."

  "There you are, old chap," said Mr. Jenkins. "We have some talking to do." His men grabbed Jim before he could run away.

  "No, no, I've got your money," said Jim as he struggled against being held. "That bitch took it from me."

  "That bitch is my daughter," said Mr. Jenkins as he folded his arms over his chest.

  Joy gasped. Daughter?

  "Sorry, I … I … I didn't mean …"

  "Take him away. I don't want my daughter to witness this." The men dragged Jim away.

  "Please go easy on him Father," said Nessie.

  "After the threats he gave you, I will make sure he gets what he deserves."

  "And you will sort out the paperwork tonight."

  "Your mother isn't going to like this."

  "I can afford to do it myself. Besides, mother doesn't know that you've been gambling again or the sort of people you've been keeping company with. It's not what you want to be talked about right before the election." Nessie smiled sweetly at her father.

  Mr. Jenkins groaned. "Don't go doing anything else until I've sorted this out." He strode off.

  Joy stared after him. Her mouth open wide. "What … was … how?"

  Nessie laughed and dropped the wrecking bar on the ground. "Close your mouth or you'll end up catching flies."

  "Was that really your father?"

  "Yes. With his help, I can afford to buy this Mecha Circus thanks to me putting a bet on Sally winning and you actually winning." She put her hands on her hips. "I can't believe you thought about losing. Do you know how much money I would've lost?"

  Joy took a deep breath. "I'm glad I didn't lose then."

  "So am I. Now thanks to you, I have my own money."

  "Really?" Joy didn't want to get excited too soon. She'd already crashed from the elation of winning and didn't want a second crash within a few hours.

  "Yes. For certain."

  "Oi. Get outta here," Joy grumbled to the lackeys hanging around. They didn't stay to be asked twice and hurried away.

  Joy stepped in close to Nessie and looked into her brown eyes. They were like the perfect pools of rich oil. She ran her hands up the bare skin of Nessie's arms, feeling her skin come alive with bumps.

  "Thank you." Joy leaned in and softly kissed Nessie, finally getting a full taste of her salty pomegranate flavour. She pulled Nessie into her and felt her relax into the embrace.

  "Excuse me," a boy stammered.

  Joy glared over at the boy, ready to give him one angry lecture for the interruption.

  The boy looked down to the ground. "Mr. Jenkins … I mean, your father wants to speak to you, Nessie."

  "Tell him I'm coming," said Nessie.

  The boy hurried away.

  "Can't you stay?" asked Joy. Now the fight was over, her debt gone, she had a chance t
o get to know Nessie some more. The Mecha outfit would probably be leaving tomorrow. She wanted more time with Nessie.

  "I'm a businesswoman now," said Nessie, stepping away. "Don't worry. You'll see me again."


  "Yes." Nessie's eyelashes fluttered, transferring the same movement to Joy's heart. "But I don't need to promise."

  "But you'll be gone soon."

  Nessie put her finger on Joy's lips. Joy's pulse thundered.

  "I've got paperwork to sort out. If all goes well, we leave tomorrow," said Nessie.

  Joy moved Nessie's finger away from her lips. "We? Tomorra?"

  Nessie smiled. Patted down her dress. "I'm coming out on the circuit. It's part of the deal with my father."

  "You're sure?"

  "I've never been more sure." Nessie smiled.

  "Good. I look forward to seeing you later," said Joy.

  "Me too."


  Nessie dropped her suitcases in the hallway next to the door of the parlor. It was time to say goodbye to her mother. Her father had done an excellent job at getting the paperwork done quickly, and they were leaving today. There wasn't any point staying longer. The Mechas could be fixed during space travel to the next moon. Not much fighting could be done tonight on account of damage that the Mechas had received the previous night. Delaying the departure meant losing money, and Nessie was determined to show that she would run a Mecha Circus with profit and honesty.

  Kris had stormed off when she learned that Nessie was her new boss, but Joy assured her that Kris would settle down. She was a great Operator and worth keeping. Nessie's stomach twisted. I have a lot to learn. Not for the first time since deciding on this journey, she wondered if this was the right thing to do. It's not going to be easy. But at least she had Joy by her side, and that would make all the difference. Simply thinking of Joy eased the tightness in her stomach. She entered the sitting room.

  "I don't know why your father has agreed to this," said Mrs. Jenkins. She picked up a cup of tea and took a sip, her little pinkie standing upright. "You should be staying here."

  "It's time I left." She stood in a short ruffled light green dress of mid-thigh length, her waist emphasised with a black lacy corset and her legs protected with black tights and knee-high boots.

  "Joy seems a lovely lady. She can stay here with you. I will enjoy the extra company."

  Nessie sighed. "I have to make my own way."

  "No, you don't."

  "I'll be back mother." Nessie meant it.

  She'd finally found the courage to go out and explore the world, and she wasn't going to delay this any longer. There was also Joy and potential relationship. Joy. There was plenty of exploring to be done. There was so much more to come, and a ripple of excitement fluttered low in her abdomen. I can't wait.

  "You better." Her mother sobbed and dabbed her eyes with her lace handkerchief. "You better."

  "Of course, I will." She rushed over and hugged her mother.

  "You better write to me, not just send videos on the communicator." Mrs. Jenkins sobbed. "Every day, otherwise I'll send your father to come and get you."

  "Yes mother, I'll be sure to write. I'll be back before you know it."

  Mrs. Jenkins burst into tears.

  "I've got to go. They're waiting for me." She was now the new part-owner of the Mecha Arena Pty Ltd, along with the secret investor—her father. Jim had been kicked off the moon as soon as the contracts had been signed last night. He wasn't about to bother her or Joy anytime soon since he was on his way to prison. Her father had made sure of that.

  "Go, go." Mrs. Jenkins sobbed. Nessie gave her mother one last hug and then left as tears escaped from her eyes. "I'll be back before you know it."

  Her mother waved her handkerchief and tried to smile. Nessie closed the parlor door and picked up her suitcases, one in each hand. She could hear her mother crying loudly. For a moment, a stab of guilt hit her. No, I have to do this. She walked out the front door.

  Joy waved at her at the end of the garden gate. Nessie smiled back.

  "Here, let me help you with them." Joy rushed forward and took the cases. "What have you got in here?" She strained under the weight.

  "Just a few things."

  "Your entire bedroom?"

  "Of course not. A few important things for the trip."

  "You won't be needing much." Joy winked at her.

  "Really Joy, not here in public," said Nessie. They tied the suitcases to the steambike.

  "Are ya sure about this?" asked Joy.

  "Never been more certain in my life." Nessie kissed Joy.

  Joy blushed. "Come on then, let's get this journey started."


  About the Author

  Lilliana has lived on a farm in Australia, played with DNA, contemplated Jung's theories, and travelled, which has fed her imagination and spurred her to write. Lilliana conjures up fantasy worlds full of misguided monsters and fairies who can't fly and many more odd creatures who are all strangely lovable, and sometimes a bit frightening. She has a tendency to get (just a little) grumpy if she doesn't write every day.

  Check out more of her work at: